Accounting and Tax Service for Hemp & Marijuana Businesses

Accountant and Bookkeeper in Portland, Oregon

    • There is a Difference?

    There is a HUGE difference in taxation between an industrial hemp company and a State-compliant marijuana company. ONLY work with CPA's who know the difference. 

    • IRC 280E

    In the State legal marijuana business and not sure what " IRC 280E" even means? You need to reach out to us immediately! IRC 280E is the tax code section while determines how marijuana companies can (or more to the point cannot) deduct expenses. Dealing with IRS code section 280E can be a real pain. Luckily, we have years of experience navigating this tax code.

    • Experience

    We have hundreds of current clients, most of whom operate in the cannabis industry in one way or another. Think your business is "super unique" and that nobody can handle it? We can handle it!

    • Entity Setup

    Just starting out? Setting up your companies appropriately can sometimes be the difference between life and death for a cannabis company.

Hemp And Marijuana Portland

Learn More

Don't go another day without understanding how your industrial hemp or State-compliant marijuana business will be taxed. Schedule a phone consultation with our CPA today!